Seminario di Danza e Voce sull’isola di Stromboli con Kea Tonetti e Tivitavi

Seminario di Danza e Voce sull’isola di Stromboli con Kea Tonetti e Tivitavi

Alcuni momenti dei seminari a Stromboli nel 2017/18; some moments of the past workshops in 2017/18 Foto delle Performance di fine seminario del 2017/18; some photos of the performance of

Inbody Journey – workshop of Butoh and Sensitive Dance in Turkey with Kea Tonetti and live-music by Tivitavi

Inbody Journey – workshop of Butoh and Sensitive Dance in Turkey with Kea Tonetti and live-music by Tivitavi

Compagniakha will give classes of Butoh Dance and Sensitive Dance with live-music during a dance camp in the natural resort near the town Tekirova in Antalya region, Turkey, indoor in

Workshop of Butoh dance and Sensitive Dance in the Nature

Workshop of Butoh dance and Sensitive Dance in the Nature

Traduzione italiana sotto! DANCE THE NATURE BUTOH DANCE – SENSITIVE DANCE – VOICE WITH LIVE-MUSIC with Kea Tonetti and Tivitavi “He who does not know to howl, will not find