Dance and voice – Kea Tonetti   

Live-music  and voice – Tivitavi


The knights in search of the Graal, in search of Amor, entered the forest at one point or another, where they saw that it was thicker. Amor is a personal sentiment that follows the charm and guidance of the senses, it is opening, it has never been intended to be contained, on the contrary it leads us to contemplate something for what it is, seizing the essence, and the intrinsic beauty, as an epiphany of the whole.

The experience of Amor is a quiver of joy that happens in every moment, even receiving and loving our own demons, to transform them in art and give them with love. As James Hillman says, allow our “acorn” to open, receiving the birth and incarnation of our soul, revealing itself in our own body, sexuality, emotions, intuitions, archetypic and unconscious visions, awareness. This various manifestation of being generates a music that stratifies more sounds and a dance in continuous mutation and transformation.

Amor is a force of sublimation, able to open the wounded heart to the sad, sweet, sweet-bitter and pungent melody of the being, thanks to our own pain and joy of love. Hidden and manifest, moves everything in secret, embraces and permeates everything with its essence.  Amor is in life and in death, in spring and in autumn, in summer and in winter, it is the force that directs the return to unity of opposites. As a flower is potentially present in its seed, the realization of love is potentially present in every heart. The transcendent and immanent state of the being, the pure will of living, the feeling of compassion, that involves us to embrace everything, the very nature of the Self.

The performance was presented in Milano at the Spazio Continuum in 2018, in Budapest at the cultural center Harom Hollo, at the Hortus Conclusus Festival 2018 in Novi Ligure;  at the  Haru no Kase Festival 2019, in the Municipal Theater of Vicenza.