Dance and voice: Kea Tonetti
Live-music: Tivitavi
Duration time: from 30’ to 60′
The Japanese word Mono contains various meanings: thing, matter, person, Spirit, God; to understand the hidden meaning of the word we must embrace the animist culture, which recognizes the spirit in everything, its energy, its memory, but also a specific divine entity. In quantum physics, matter is mainly composed of vacuum, this means that every thing and every person is a different manifestation of this vibrant void, for this reason it is divine. An empty dance where the dancer floats like a ghost, wishes to cling to memories or emotions generated by the encounter with the objects, and let the forms die, vanish in the flow of the game of life.A music made up of voids and sound layers, that bring the performance in the dreaming time, fluctuating, another time-space, where the Spirits and the archetypes can manifest themselves….like the spirit of the Amabie, a magical creature, who has the power to ward off epidemics, a cat woman in the moonlight, an old woman eaten by ants, a universal flower blooming, the ancient wisdom of the Earth and of life, which is eternal and ever changing.
Presented at the Rosenhof Festival 2019, in Tegernau, at the Sommer Werft Festival 2019, in Frankfurt am Main, D., at the Amsterdam Butoh Festival 2020, Munganga Teatro, at the Festival Le Voice dell’Anima 2021 in Rimini, Italy, where the performance received the organization prize from the artistic direction: “A solo that traces the stages of life, a long-lasting song that follows the sounds of the instruments and blossoms like an oriental flower . The artist controls every movement and carefully highlights the process of lightening the soul “.
In the black forest dancing with a solitary tree.
On Stromboli island after the fire caused by the explosion of the summer 2019.