- Questo evento è passato.
Workshop of Dance and Voice in the Nature- Butoh Dance, Sensitive Dance®, Voice, Sound Yoga, Shamanic singing
25 Agosto 2023 @ 8:00 - 3 Settembre 2023 @ 17:00

Versione italiana e spagnola in fondo
25 August – 3 September 2023
Sierra de Huelva, Andalusia, Spain
Intensive workshop of
Butoh Dance – Sensitive Dance® with Kea Tonetti
Voice – Sound Yoga – Shamanic singing with Tivitavi
Awaken your inner dance and liberate your authentic voice, allowing their truth to manifest in the moment, from the body, from the soul, from the heart, in union with Nature. We will walk in meditation, letting ourselves be permeated by the beauty of the landscape of the Sierra, we’ll make deep contact with the elements of nature, through dance, breathing and voice, nourishing body and spirit.
This profound meeting with Nature brings healing, awakens vitality, opens the senses, frees and empties the mind, integrates us to our wild nature, brings inner peace and silence. Nourish the senses, dance with trees, stones, river and various natural elements, embodying nature’s energies, connecting ourselves to the Earth, to our roots and vital center, to the breath of the earth and the sky, expanding our own breath, letting ourselves be danced, sang; awakening ancient memories, freeing emotions, unconscious and archaic impulses, opening to listening and feeling, living the present moment.
When the voice resonates in harmony with the body, we experience a great feeling of inner peace and calm, it’s like coming home and remembering that a part of us has always been there waiting for us. The voice brings us into contact with the sound of the universe that is within us and, through us, manifests itself in the world. Our voice expresses “our being in the world”, which finds its best expression in the joy of freedom and singing.
Research the organic movements, coming from the roots, the center, the sensations, from inside, exploring the subtle movements, which arise from the skeleton and sustain the dance, opening the breath of the joints and spine, allowing dance to emerge naturally, with the breath.
We will awaken the natural body, free from social and cultural limitations, in a state in which you are danced, allowing forms and sound to become an expression of the soul. We will return to the empty body of origins, when body and being are in contact with this vibrant emptiness which permeates creation, we are free to dance the beauty and mystery of every life manifestation, letting our chant and dance be born from body and soul.
This journey of the soul unearths personal and collective memories, that tell of the encounter between human and nature. It is a journey in and out of ourselves, where boundaries melt to enter in a dreamlike and parallel world, where everything is possible: Spirits of Nature dance and speak, emotions and inner drives take form and sing. Offer a dance, a chant, a prayer to ourselves, to Mother Earth, Father Sky, the Nature, life.
Practices of Butoh dance, Sensitive dance® Sound Yoga, Hara Yoga, Overtone singing, Shamanic singing , will allow us to consciously interact with our body, our breath and our voice,, nourish our rooting and Presence in order to awake our own dance and voice in union with the Nature.
The workshop will take place in Nature and partly in a practice studio.
Butoh dance will be accompanied by the music of Tivitavi ( tibetan bells, didgeridoo, drumming, flutes, voice and natural sounds).
At the end of the workshop there will be a Performance of the group with the live-music of Tivitavi, open to the public.
The workshop is open to everybody!
Dancers, actors, therapists, performers, educators and everyone is interested in participating. A background in dance or voice work is not required.
Where: Eco-villagge El Calabacíno in the Sierra del Huelva, Spain
When: from 25 August to 3 September
The fee includes board, lodging and intensive workshop
Normal fee €650*
Early bird €550 until July 21.
*Accommodation in a shared dormitory or tent
Hospitality in a private room in a house in the Calabacíno village €750
We will guarantee support for artists who are interested and cannot bear the cost. Contact us privately and we will take care of your case in a personalized way.
Info and registration:
How to arrive to El Calabacino?
Seville airport is the closest one, there is bus running during weekdays at 4PM from Plaza de Armas bus station in Seville heading to Alajar wich is the closest town. During weekends there is a bus to Fuenteheridos which is another nearby town at 9AM running also from Plaza de Armas. Someone from our team will guide your way from Alajar or Fuenteheridos to El Calabacino.
25 Agosto – 3 Settembre 2023
Sierra de Huelva, Andalusia, Spagna
Danza Butoh e Danza Sensibile® con Kea Tonetti
Voce – Yoga del Suono – Canto Sciamanico con Tivitavi
Risvegliare la danza e la voce in modo libero ed autentico, lasciando nascere la verità nell’istante, dal corpo, dall’anima, dal cuore e in unione con la Natura. Cammineremo meditando, lasciandoci permeare dalla bellezza del paesaggio della Sierra, entreremo in contatto profondo con gli elementi della natura, attraverso la danza, il respiro e la voce, nutrendo il corpo e lo spirito.
L’incontro profondo con le energie della natura genera vitalità, risveglia i sensi, svuota e libera la mente, ci integra alla nostra natura selvaggia, dona silenzio e pace interiore. Nutrire i sensi, danzare con gli alberi, le pietre, il fiume e i vari elementi, incorporare le energie della natura, riconnettersi alla terra, alle proprie radici, al centro vitale, al respiro della terra e del cielo, espandere i respiro, lasciarsi danzare, cantare; risvegliare antiche memorie, liberare emozioni, pulsioni inconsce ed arcaiche, aprirsi all’ascolto e al sentire, vivere l’attimo e il non- fare.
Quando la voce risuona in accordo con il corpo, proviamo una grande sensazione di pace e calma, interiore, è come tornare a casa e ricordarsi che una parte di noi è sempre stata lì ad aspettarci. La voce ci porta in contatto con il suono dell’universo che è dentro di noi e tramite noi si manifesta nel mondo. La nostra voce esprime il “nostro essere nel mondo”, che trova la sua migliore espressione nella gioia del canto libero.
Ricercare il movimento organico, che nasce dalle radici, dal centro, dalle sensazioni, esplorare i movimenti sottili generati dallo scheletro e dall’energia, ritrovare il respiro delle articolazioni e della colonna, permettere alla danza di emergere naturalmente, come si respira. Risvegliare un corpo naturale, libero dalle limitazioni sociali e culturali, in uno stato in cui sei mosso e danzato, permettere alle forme e ai suoni di divenire espressione dell’anima.
Tornare al corpo vuoto, delle origini, quando il corpo e l’essere sono in contatto con il vuoto vibrante che permea la creazione, si è liberi di divenire tutto, danzare la bellezza e il mistero di ogni manifestazione della vita e lasciar nascere il proprio canto dal corpo e dall’anima.
Questo viaggio dell’anima porta con sé memorie, personali e collettive, che narrano dell’incontro tra l’uomo e la natura, è un viaggio dentro e fuori di sé, dove i confini si sciolgono per entrare in un mondo onirico e parallelo dove tutto è possibile: gli Spiriti, le energie, della Natura danzano e parlano, le emozioni, le pulsioni interiori prendono corpo e cantano. Offrire una danza, un canto, una preghiera a sé stessi, alla Madre Terra, al Padre Cielo, alla Natura, alla vita.
Verranno proposte pratiche di Danza Sensibile®, Danza Butoh, Hara Yoga, Nada Yoga, Canto Sciamanico, Canto Armonico che ci permetteranno di entrare in una relazione consapevole con il corpo e il respiro, di nutrire il proprio radicamento ed allineamento, e risvegliare a propria danza e il proprio canto nella Danza Butoh.
Il seminario si svolgerà nella Natura e in parte in uno studio di pratica.
La danza Butoh sarà accompagnata dalla musica dal vivo di Tivitavi (campane tibetane, didjeridoo, tamburo, voce, flauto, altri strumenti e suoni naturali).
Alla fine del seminario ci sarà una Performance dei partecipanti con la musica dal vivo,
aperta al pubblico.
Il seminario è aperto a tutti!
Danzatori, attori, performers, musicisti, terapisti, ricercatori e a chiunque voglia partecipare; non è richiesta alcuna preparazione nella danza o nella voce.
Dove: Nell’ eco-villaggio El Calabacíno nella Sierra del Huelva in Spagna
Quando: del 25 Agosto al 3 Settembre
Il costo include vitto, alloggio e seminario intensivo.
Quota normale €650*
Quota early bird €550 fino al 21 Luglio
*Ospitalità in un dormitorio comune o in tenda
Ospitalità in una stanza privata in una casa del villaggio Calabacíno €750
Garantiremo un supporto per gli artisti che sono interessati e non possono sostenere il costo, contattaci in privato e ci occuperemo del tuo caso in modo personalizzato.
Iscrizioni e informazioni:
Come arrivare a El Calbacino:
L’aeroporto di Siviglia è il più vicino, c’è un autobus giornaliero alle 16:00 dalla stazione degli autobus di Plaza de Armas a Siviglia verso Alajar, che è la città più vicina. Nei fine settimana c’è un autobus per Fuenteheridos, un’altra città vicina, alle 9:00 sempre da Plaza de Armas. Qualcuno del nostro team verrà a prenderti ad Alajar o Fuenteheridos per guidarti al Calabacino.
El Calabacíno en la sierra de Huelva en España
25 Agosto – 3 Septiembre
Danza y Voz en la Naturaleza
Danza Butoh, Danza Sensibile con Kea Tonetti
Voz, Yoga de Sonido, Canto Chamánico con Tivitavi
Nutre los sentidos, danza con árboles, piedras, río y elementos naturales, incorporando la energía conectándonos a la tierra,a nuestras raíces y centro vital, a la expansión de nuestra respiración hacia la tierra y el cielo, permitiendo nos ser danza y canto; despertando memorias antiguas, liberando emociones e impulsos arcaicos, abriendo nuestra percepción al momento presente.
Nuestra voz expresa nuestro “estar en el mundo” que encuentra su mayor expresión en la alegría de la libertad y el canto.
El costo incluye taller, hospedaje y alimentación.
Precio normal €650*
Precio early bird €550 hasta el 21 de Julio.
Otorgaremos apoyos para artistas escénicos que estén interesados y no puedan asumir el costo, contáctanos por privado y atenderemos tu caso de forma personalizada.
El aeropuerto de Sevilla es el más cercano, hay un bus diario a las 4PM desde la esctación de buses Plaza de Armas en Sevilla con dirección Alajar, que es el pueblo más cercano. Los fines de semana hay un bus a Fuenteheridos que es otro pueblo vecino a las 9 AM también de Plaza de Armas. Alguien de nuestro equipo pasará a recogerte a Alajar o Fuenteheridos para guiarte al Calabacino.
Kea Tonetti: Dancer, choreographer, performer and teacher, her formation in dance started in 1979, when she was 8 years old, and trained in classical, modern, contemporary dance and Dance-theater in Italy, New York and Paris. Since the 1990, she has been dancing in various dance or theater companies and at the same time she starts a long inner journey, researching in the disciplines and oriental spiritual paths, such as Yoga, Zen, Tantrism, Shamanism. She becomes Hara Yoga teacher, a practice founded by Giò Fronti, that also draws in part from Japanese culture. Besides since 2001 she starts a therapeutic-artistic path through Psychogenealogy, Psychomagic, Psychosimanism and Mareseille Tarots with Cristòbal Jodorowsky and Jade Doniz. Since 2000 she has trained in Sensitive Dance®, a body practice born from the encounter between osteopathy and dance, founded by the dancer Claude Coldy, and the osteopaths JeanLouis Dupuy and Marie Guyon. In 2002 she meets Butoh dance and falls in love with it, finding in this dance the opportunity to combine her research in dance and the spiritual one. She studied with several Butoh teachers, in Europe and Japan, among them: Atsushi Takenouchi, Yoshito Ohno, Mitsuyo Uesugi, Seisaku, Yuri Nagaota, Ko Murobushi, Yukio Waguri, Joan Laage, Hisako Horikawa, Natsu Nakajima, Yumiko Yoshioka, Masaki Iwana.
In 2008 founded with the musician Tivitavi Compagniakha (Kha in Sanskrit is the empty space of the heart, the place from which everything emerges and to which everything returns), which produces Butoh dance, singing, live acoustic and electronic live sounds performances, exhibited in festivals and theaters in Italy, Europe (Barcellona, Paris, London, Berlin, Basel, Wien, Amsterdam, Frankfurt…), Mexico City , Russia ( Moscow, Krasnodar) and Ukraine ( Odessa ); the company has besides collaborated with several artists such as: Hiroko Komiya, Atsushi Takenouchi, Joan Laage, Monique Arnaud (Theatre Noh Master). In 2021 with the performance “Mono”, they won the artistic direction award of “Le voci dell’Anima” Festival in Rimini.The dance critic Jean Marie Gourreau wrote an interesting article about her dance on the french dance review Critiphotodanse. Since more then 25 years she transmits her research in classes and workshops given in studio and Nature sites, in Italy and abroad, since the 2010 she created numerous performances with her students.
Tivitavi: Sound artist, painter and sound massage therapist. In 1991 meets the Yoga path with the il M° Gio’ Fronti, founder of Hara Yoga. In his research he made different cultural journeys and different ethnic groups: he was hosted by the Navajo of Arizona, Successively, by the Sami people of the Norwegian Lapland, by Tuvan people, in Russian Mongolia, and by the Yolngu, Australian aboriginal people, during these trips, he gained a great deal of musical knowledge, both instrumental and vocal. During his research he met several musicians as: Phil Drummy, Djalu Gurruwiwi (didjieridoo), Mari Boine ( lap singing), Saynko Namcylak (overtone singing of Tuva), Amelia Cuni (dhrupad singing), Lorenzo Galantini (bagpipe), Massimo Laguardia (tammorra drum) Lorenzo Gasperoni (Djembè), Francesca Gualandri (pneumafonia) e Mauro Tiberi(voce). He played with Lorenzo Sanguedolce, Fabio Malizia, Davide Livornese, Enten Hitti e Lorenzo Pierobon; for C.Jodorowsky during his psicoshamanic rituals, Claude Coldy in Sensitive Dance workshops, and Kea Tonetti workshops. He researches on the relationship between sound and healing for several years, in 2008 met Albert Rabenstein, with whom he completed a training in Sound Massage according to the teachings of the “Centro de Terapia de Sonido y Estudios Armonicos” of Buenos Aires. Followed the training of Nada Yoga (sound yoga ) with Riccardo Misto. For 10 years he followed a course of therapy and internal growth in Psycho-genealogy with Cristobal Jodorowsky and subsequently with Jade Doniz.
Since 2008 he collaborates with Kea Tonetti, with whom he founded the Spazio Continuum and the CompagniaKha, in the creations of Butoh dance performances and workshops. Every week at Spazio continuum, leads the meeting of “Sound Circle” where he dove he mixes his knowledge of sound and physical practices.
- Inizio:
- 25 Agosto 2023 @ 8:00
- Fine:
- 3 Settembre 2023 @ 17:00
- Tag Evento:
- Andalusia, Being, breath, Butoh, Butoh dance, Butoh España, butoh performance, butohworkshop, canto armonico, canto sciamanico, dance in nature, Danza in Natura, Danza Sensibile, El Calbacino, listening, livemusic, overtonesinging, Physical Theater, pratiche somatiche, presence, rituales, sensitive dance, shamanicsinging, somatic, sound yoga, Spain, theaterdance, Voce, voce nella Natura, yogadelsuono
- Compagniakha
- Coco Villareal
- El Calabacino, Sierra de Huelva
- Alájar, + Google Map