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Everything is Vibration – On Line Butoh Dance and Sensitive Dance workshop with live music
5 Febbraio 2021 - 7 Febbraio 2021

English version below
Venerdì 5 Febbraio dalle 19 alle 22,30 – Friday 5 from 7pm to 10,30pm
La materia, il pensiero, le emozioni, l’energia, il suono vibrano, questa vibrazione di pura luce e amore si manifesta libera nelle varie forme dell’universo. Attraverso la danza ampliare la percezione del tempo e dello spazio, nutrire la Presenza e creare riti di guarigione per il corpo e lo Spirito.
Il corpo è un’unità sensibile e meravigliosa, dove tutte le sue parti comunicano armoniosamente, contiene il tempo e lo spazio e nelle sue cellule sono inscritti archetipi e memorie ancestrali. Ricercare il movimento organico, che nasce dalle radici, dal centro, dallo scheletro, dai sensi, dalle sensazioni, dall’interiorità; esplorare i movimenti sottili dello scheletro che sostengono la danza; nutrire lo stato nel quale sei mosso, danzato, ti abbandoni al flusso dell’energia che ti attraversa e senza fare, fluendo, divieni tutt’uno con l’azione.
Permettere alla danza di emergere naturalmente, come si respira, danzare toccando il fondo dell’animo umano ed esprimerlo, nutrire la bellezza del momento presente, lasciare che le forme divengano espressione dell’anima. Risvegliare un corpo naturale, libero dalle limitazioni sociali e culturali. Tornare al corpo vuoto, delle origini, quando il corpo e l’essere sono in contatto con il vuoto vibrante, che permea la creazione, si è liberi di divenire tutto e danzare la bellezza e il mistero di ogni manifestazione della vita, il creare diviene spontaneo, naturale, privo di sforzo, libero.
Espandere il respiro e la coscienza aprendo un’interiorità che tutto abbraccia, danzare la trasformazione, gli spiriti o energie della natura, dell’essere umano, dei miti, le immagini d’arte, i paesaggi interiori, la propria natura antica e selvaggia, le memorie personali e quelle universali.
La nascita di una danza è un momento d’apertura, dove sentire una grande forza e amore sprigionarsi, vivere l’erotismo, la sensualità, il sentimento delle cose, la catarsi e la natura transitoria della bellezza e della vita.
Il seminario sarà accompagnato dalla musica dal vivo di Tivitavi (campane tibetane, gong, didgeridoo, percussioni, pietre, suoni naturali, suoni elettronici, flauti e voce)
Aperto a tutti!
Questo training ed esperienza sono utili sia per l’arte scenica, che per la crescita della coscienza personale e umana. E’ adatto a chiunque desideri intraprendere un viaggio di consapevolezza attraverso il corpo, danzatori, performer, attori, artisti, terapeuti, educatori, psicologi, persone su un cammino di ricerca personale.
Venerdì 5 Febbraio dalle 19 alle 22,30 – per l’iscrizione accedere ai seguenti link di Zoom:
La partecipazione al corso è a offerta libera!
Consigliamo dai 15 ai 25 euro a incontro, se per voi non è possibile donate ciò che potete, grazie per il vostro sostegno!
O bonifico bancario a Roberto Papini:
Banca Intesa Sanpaolo
Via Valparaiso – Milano
C/C : IT62C0306909469100000002436
+39 02 8723 4399
+39 3356680398
+39 3337814470
La Danza Butoh nasce alla fine degli anni ‘50 in Giappone, i suoi due cofondatori furono Kazuo Ohno e Tatsumi Hijikata, in seguito si è evoluta in molteplici correnti e scuole, fondate da vari danzatori e performers, come danza e forma d’arte performativa d’avanguardia. Nel Butoh il corpo diviene espressione dell’anima. Partendo da una visione dell’esistenza in cui ogni cosa o essere è una manifestazione del divino, attinge dall’antica filosofia giapponese, dall’animismo, dalle pratiche tradizionali e al contempo dalle varie forme d’arte e letteratura contemporanee occidentali del dopoguerra. Si potrebbe dire che la danza Butoh riunisce il contemporaneo con l’arcaico, è senza tempo; una danza di trasformazione, in essa vi è una ricerca delle radici primitive della danza, carica di una forza espressiva irrazionale, sessuale e catartica. Permette di liberare la propria danza, oltre le forme, lasciandole nascere dal corpo e dall’anima. Il Butoh si è diffuso in tutto il mondo, attraverso le varie forme e i svariati approcci dei singoli danzatori e performer.
La Danza Sensibile® fondata da Claude Coldy e da due osteopati Jean Luis Dupuy e Marie Guyon della originaria scuola francese, nasce dall’incontro tra l’osteopatia e la danza, una ricerca sul movimento e sull’origine del movimento, che porta a rivisitare le meravigliose tappe evolutive dell’essere umano, dalla cellula in sospensione all’essere verticale, dalla vita acquatica prima della nascita a quella terrestre. Nella Danza Sensibile il tocco che ascolta permette di accogliere i messaggi del corpo, e nel rispetto delle strutture, risvegliare il movimento sottile dello scheletro che sostiene e nutre la danza.
The matter, the thought, the emotions, the energy, the sound vibrate, this vibration is light and love and manifests itself free in the different forms of the Universe. Through the dance expand the perception of time and space, nourish the Presence, create rituals of healing for the body and the spirit.
The body is a sensitive and wonderful unit, in which all the parts communicate harmoniously, containing time and space within its cells, written as archetypes of ancestral memories. Research the organic movements, coming from the roots, the center, the skeleton, the senses, the sensations, from inside, explore the subtle movements, which arises from the skeleton and sustain the dance; nourish the state in which you are moved, danced, letting yourself go to the flow of energy, without doing, flowing and becoming one thing with the action.
Allow dance to emerge naturally, with your breath, dance touching the deep of human soul, nourish the beauty of the present moment, letting forms become an expression of soul. Awaken a natural body, free from social and cultural limitations. Return to the empty body, of the origins, when the body and the being are in contact with this vibrant emptiness, which permeates the creation, we are free to become everything, dancing the beauty and the mystery of every life manifestation, the act of creation becomes spontaneous, natural, effortless and free.
The breath expands, opening an inner reality that embraces everything, dancing the transformation, embody the spirit/energy of everything: the various manifestations of nature, its cycles, the human being; the inner landscapes, the art images, the poetry, the myths, awaken your ancient wild nature, personal and universal memories. The birth of a dance can be a moment of opening, where to feel that a big strength and love are released, live the eroticism, the sensuality and the feelings of things, the catharsis, the transient nature of beauty and life.
The workshop will be accompanied by the live music of Tivitavi (tibetan bells, gong, didgeridoo, drumming, stones, natural sounds, electronic sounds, flutes and voice).
Open to everyone!
This training and experience are useful for both dramatic arts as well as for the growth of personal and human consciousness. It is indicated for anyone who wants to undertake a journey of awareness through the body: dancers, performers, actors, artists, therapists, educators, psychologists, and people in pursuing personal research.
Friday 5 February from 7pm to 10,30 pm – For the registration sign in the following links:
Saturday and Sunday 6/7 February from 4pm to 8pm
Language: English and Italian.
The workshop participation is with a free donation!
We suggest 15 -25 euro per 1 session, 4 hours, please offer what you can , thank you for your support!
Butoh Dance is born in the end of the ’50 in Japan, founded by Kazuo Ohno and Tatsumi Hijikata and developed later into multiple currents and schools, founded by various dancers and performers, as a dance and avant-garde performative art form. In Butoh dance the body becomes an expression of the soul. Inspiring from a vision of existence in which everything or being is a manifestation of the divine, it draws from the ancient Japanese philosophy, the animism, the traditional practices and at the same time from the various forms of contemporary western art and literature of the post-war period. We can say that Butoh dance unites the archaic with the contemporary, without time, a dance of transformation, a research of the primitive roots of dance, full of irrational, sexual and cathartic expressive force, allows the liberation of one’s personal dance, beyond form, letting them born from body and soul. Butoh later spread to the rest of the world, where it evolved in various forms and various approaches of different dancers and performers.
Danza Sensibile® (Sensitive Dance), founded by Claude Coldy along with two French osteopaths, Jean Luis Dupuy and Marie Guyon, was created from the union of osteopathy and dance, a research of movement and its origins, which offers a re-examination of the marvellous evolutionary landmarks of the human being, from the suspended cell to the vertical being, from the aquatic life before birth to the terrestrial life. In Sensitive dance the touch of listening permits to receive the body messages and to awaken the micro-movements of the skeleton that sustain and nourish the dance, respecting the body structures.
Kea Tonetti: Dancer, choreographer, performer and teacher, after a long formative path in the dance which started in 1980, going through different forms of dance classical, modern, contemporary, theater dance, tribal and ritual, in 2000 arrives at Sensitive Dance and Butoh Dance, that will allow her to go more towards a search for the essence in dance, which goes beyond the outer forms. Her life, art and teaching have been enriched since 1995 with spiritual, inner and shamanic paths. Her Dance of Soul, wants to go beyond the definitions of style to embrace something wider, the Being, the union of mind, heart and body, the Presence, dancing touching the deep of human soul and to return to the original body, free from social covering, driven to dance by the force that flows in life, which is everywhere, it is breath, prana, Ki, vital energy. Her workshops are dives in body and soul, enrich the awareness of the laws of movement in dance, give transformation, rooting, vitality, freedom of expression, catharsis; opening the body and the Being to the Presence and to the Beauty. On her life journey she met several masters and artists who enriched her research, such as: Raffaella Giordano (Sosta Palmizi), Claude Coldy (Sensitive Dance), Atsushi Takenouchi (Jinen Butoh), Yoshito Ohno, Mitsuyo Uesugi, Seisaku & Yuri Nagaota, ( Dance Medium, T.Hijikata Butoh), Ko Murobushi, Yukio Waguri, Joan Laage, Hisako Horikawa, Natsu Nakajima, Yumiko Yoshioka, Masaki Iwana (White Butoh), Giò Fronti (Hara Yoga), Alejandro and Cristòbal Jodorowsky (Psychomagic and Psychoshamanism), Jade Doniz (The way of the Tarot of Marseilles), healers and shamans from various cultures (siberian, tuvan, mexican, venezuelan). Besides since 2008 she studies singing and voice with Carola Caruso (Gisela Rohmert’s Functional Method of voice), the voice and the singing are now for her inseparable part of the body and vehicle of the soul, on the stage and in the teaching.
In 2008 founded Compagniakha with Tivitavi, which produces dance, singing, live acoustic and electronic live sounds performances. Her research in tantric yoga and shamanism, leads her to dance in contact with nature and to explore the subconscious and spiritual dimensions of the human being through her art, as well as to deepen the structures and energy flows of the body. Since 2008 with Compagniakha has produced various butoh performances exhibited in festivals, theatres and events in Italy, Germany, Budapest, Basel, London, Paris, Lyon, Barcelona, Mexico City, Moscow, Krasnodar, Odessa, Amsterdam; the company has besides collaborated with several artists such as: Hiroko Komiya, Atsushi Takenouchi,Joan Laage, Marek Jason Isleib, Monique Arnaud (Theatre Noh Master), Alessandra Pescetta (film director). Since more then 20 years she transmits her research in classes and workshops given in dancing places, theaters and Nature sites, in Italy and abroad.